Chief of the Martyrs
Hadrat  Hamza was related to the Holy Prophet{peace be upon him} in several ways.  He was the Holy Prophet’s uncle on the one hand and, on the other, he was the son of his maternal aunt.  Besides these family ties, he was also the Holy Prophet’s foster brother.
Again there was not much difference in their ages,  Hamza was only two years older than the Holy Prophet {peace be upon him}.  But in Islam no person is superior to the other by virtue of his race, family, nation or country.  The criterion of superiority, in Islam, is fear of Allah, piety and devotion  to the cause of Islam.  Allah had favoured Hazrat Hamza{Allah be pleased with him}

With excellence in the arts of wrestling and swordsmanship.  Hadrat  Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) used his talents and experience to its best in the cause of Islam and earned the title of “Chief of the Martyrs” from the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).

Hadrat Hamza was very fond of wrestling and hunting.  He took great interest in swordsmanship and archery.

The call of Tauhid  {belief in the oneness of Allah} was though given in his family first and spread fast throughout the city and 38 persons embraced Islam but Hadrat Hamza  did not pay any attention to it in the beginning.  He was so deeply attached to his pastimes that he hardly got any time to take notice of the new developments in his towards Islam in a peculiar way.

One day he was returning from a hunt.  As he entered the city he met a slave-girl.
She said, “Had you come a bit earlier”, you would have seen the condition of your nephew, Muhammed (peace be upon him) .  He was preaching his religion in the Ka’aba when Abu Jahl wildly abused and teased him.  But Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not retaliate and went away with a broken heart.”

Hazrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) was enraged.  He rushed towards the Holy Ka’ba. He was so excited that he did not even pay heed to his friends whom he  met in the way. He went to the Ka’ba and found Abu Jahl sitting there with his companions.  He pounced upon Abu Jahl and struck him with his bow on the head with such force that his head was broken. His companions ran to his rescue and said: “Hamza! It seems you, too, have forsaken your religion.”

 Hamza said, “If  truth dawns upon me, who is there to check me! Well I declare now and here that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a Prophet of Allah, and whatever he says is true. By Allah, I cannot go against Islam. If you can, try to check me.”

When Abu Jahl saw Hamza (Allah be pleased with him)in such a furious temper he asked his companions to leave Hamza alone.

Those were the days when the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had taken refuge in the house of Arqam bin Abi Muslims from the torture and torments of the non-believers in Mecca. People could not dare to talk about Islam. But fearless as he was, Hadrat Hamza proclaimed the truth of Islam openly. The shows that no one among the  people of Arabia had the courage to challenge Hamza  (Allah be pleased with him). The fact is that with the acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Hamza

(Allah be pleased him) the whole  situation suddenly changed.  Now the non- believers  had to think twice before inflicting any injury on the Muslims . Thus Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) showed his courage and valour for the first time in the cause of Allah.
The acceptance of Islam by Hamza ( Allah be pleased with him) did upset the enemies of Islam. They held meeting to decide new course of action. They considered several suggestions to suppress Islam. In their frustration they decided to put and end to the life of holy prophet (peace be upon him) by any means.
They offered a big reward for the purpose. Another man of grate courage and spirit in Mecca rose with a sword in his hand and marched toward the house of Arqam bin Abi Arqam. He was  ‘umar, who was later known as ‘ umar the Great, and second caliph of islam. Many compnions of the holy prophet (peace be upon him) were present there. When they came to know that ‘umar was coming they were perturbed but Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) said,  “we don’t care. Let him come. If he is coming in sincerity, well and good otherwise I shall strike off his head with his own sword.”
Such was the courage and brevity of Hadrat Hamza and his confidence in the strength bestowed upon him by Allah.
The Arabs were very proud of their superior race and blood. This vanity proved hurdle in embracing Islam for many a sensible person. On the battlefield of Badr,  Abul Bakhtari, pointed towards the holy prophet (peace be upon him) and say what do you think of him?”  Abu Jahl said, “No doubt he is a truthful person. But, we cannot afford to sit at par with persons like Bilal!” Bilal (Allah be pleased with him) was a slave and had embraced Islam. In those days the slaves were regarded so low and mean that they could not claim any respect. The manner in which they were treated stands no comparison with the treatment shown to the Indian untouchables and the African Negroes, these day. But the teachings of Islam had changed the devoted companions, so much so, that they never made any discrimination between a man and a man on the basis of race, colour, wealth or caste. Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) was a very good example of it. The Holy prophet (peace be upon him) declared his notable slave, Zaid bin Harith (Allah be pleased with him) as the brother in Islam of his uncle Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) and they became so dear to each other that whenever one of them went out, heap pointed other as his heir and gave him instruction, by way of his will, in every matter. Thus Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) preferred Islam on everything else. He passed his life in total submission to Allah only. He gave up hunting and wrestling and devoted his whole time and energies to the cause of Islam.
In the thirteenth year of the prophet hood, Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) migrated along with the other companions of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) to Medina. Here he got ample opportunities of displaying his strength and courage in the service of Islam. In the first instance the Holy prophet (peace be upon him) deputed thirty person to check the caravan of the non-belivers of Mecca under the command of Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) and, for the first time in history of Islam, Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) was entrusted the banner of Islam.
As this small detachment moved ahead it met a caravan of Quraish under the leadership of Abu Jahl. The caravan consisted of three hundred horsemen. Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) decided to confront the three hundred persons with his handful of companions. Finding Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) Majdi bin ‘Amar, a person from Mecca intervened and prevented an encounter. Both the parties withdrew to their positions The Holy prophet (peace be upon him) sent him on various military expeditions with very few persons at his command but he always succeeded in his assignments.
A little later the battle of Badr was fought. ‘Utba, the most experienced and brave man of the Meccan Quraish came forward along with his brother and son. From the side of Muslims, some Ansari youngmen advanced to meet them. But ‘Utba was so proud of his strength and bravery that he took it as his insult to face person below his standard. He cried out, “O  Muhammad we cannot fight against person below our level. Send our equal to us.” The Holy prophet (peace be upon him) then sent Hadrat Hamza, Hazrat Ali and Hadrat ‘Ubaidah (May Allah be pleased with them) to meet the challenge. Hadrat Hamza attackad ‘Utba and killed him with the first blow. Next came Taeema bin Adi, another renowned warrior to take revenge. But he too met the same fate at the first stroke. The infidels infuriated by their loss made a full fledged attack on the muslims. Afierce battle took place. Hadrat Hamza wore a turban with an ostrich plume over it and thus looked very prominent among the Muslim warriors. He held swords in both of his hands and killed a number of infidels including their great warriors. The enemy could not face the fierce onslaught and took to his heels. The Muslims captured a number of infidels including some notaries of Mecca. Some of the prisoners asked, “Who was the man with the ostrich plume?”
“Hamza ( Allah be placed with was him ) was the answer.”
“He inflicted great losses on us.” They said.
        The infidels of Mecca suffered heavy losses of life and property in this battle.
They did not forget their defeat and raised a big army next year to avenge the defeat and capture madina . The Holy Prophet ( peace be upon him), along with his devoted companions, checked the enemy at Uhud. A wrester, Saba came forward and challenged the Muslim warrior. Hadrat Hamza accepted his challenge and said, “Do you dare to fight against Allah and His Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) ?” then he struk Saba’ with a heavy blow and killed him.

Soon a fieree battele started. Hadrat Hamza ( Allah be Pleased with him) had killed many a promint persons of the Quraish. So the Quraish were after his blood. They made many a concerted attack on Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) but every time he replled their attack and killed about thirty infidels.
Jubair bin Mut’im  had specialy deputed a slave named Wahshi to take revenge for his uncle Ta’ima bin Adi. The slave was promised a handsome reward in addition to his freedom. Wahshi hid himself behind a rock in the battledfield and waited for an opportunity to attack Hadrat Hamza.Assoon as Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) came within range, Wahshi threw his weapon with full force to hit Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) It was such a deadly weapon that as it struck, Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) succumbed to his injury.
Men and women of the infidels rejoiced at the death of Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him). They sang and danced Abu Sufyan’s wife Hinda’s father was killed in the battle of Badr, by Harat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) She was so revengeful that she brought out the liver of Harat Hamza from his dead body and tried to munch and
Devour it, but she could not swallow and spat it out. Then she cut off the nose and ears of the dead body and made a neacklace of them When the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) Heard of it he said :
      “Did she eat any part of the body ?”
“ No was the reply.
He (peace be upon him ) said : Allah will not let any part of Hamza ’s body go to Hell.”
They Holly Prophet (peace be upon him ) then came to the dead body of his Uncle.
Hina had multilated the corpse and made it a horrible sight. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) saw the body and his heart was moved . He said, “Allah bless you, for you looked after your relations and surpassed others in noble deeds.But for the grief of Safia,
I would have left you here in this condition for animals and birds to eat. Then you could be raised from their stomachs on the day Destiny By Allah I shall take your revenge , I will chop off the nose and ears of seventy infidels ’’
But Allah forbade the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) to do so, and he resigned to the Will of Allah.
Hazrat Safia was the sister of Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him). When she heard the news of her brother’s martyrdom, she went to see the face of her departed brother. But the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) did not allow her to go  near the corpse and sent her back with words of consolation. Before her departure, Hadrat Safia gave two sheets of cloth to her son Hadrat Zubair  (Allah be pleased with him)to make the shroud. By chance the dead body of an Ansari was also lying nearby. So he gave one sheet was, however, insufficient to “cover the body of the Ansari martyr. A single sheet was, however, insufficient to “cover the body of Hadrat Hamza. If the head was covered, the feet were left uncovered; and when the feet were left uncovered; and when the feet were covered, the head was left bare. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) therefore advised to cover the head and place grass and leaves over the feet.
In such awe-inspiring circumstances the shroud of  “the chief of Masrtyrs” was prepared. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) himself led the prayers. Then the coffins of all the martyr of Uhud were placed, one by one, in a line. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) led the last prayers for each martyr individually. Thus after seventy prayers, the martyrs were laid to rest.
The extent of love the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) had for Hadrat Hamza can be judged from the following incident:
Wahshi, the assasin of Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) embraced Islam after some time and presented himself to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) who said:
“Are you Wahshi:
“Yes, sir”, was the answer.
“Did you kill Hamza?” said the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
“Whatever you know is correct, Sir,”
the man said.
“Can you hide your face from me for ever?” said the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
Wahshi left the place at once and did not show his face during the life time of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
This was the great martyr of Islam, who devoted his Godgift qualities to the service of Islam, from the day he embreaced it.
Hadrat Hamza (Allah be pleased with him) married several women from whom he has a number of children but they all died during their childhood. Only one, a girl named Amama survived, who was left in Mecca at the time of migration.
After the conquest of Mecca, when the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions (Allah be pleased with them) were returning to Medina, Amama ran after them crying: O my brother, O my brother !”   Hadrat ‘Ali (Allah be pleased with him) took her in his arms and said, “O Prophet of Allah, let me take this girl under my care. She is my cousin. I will look after her”. Hadrat Zaid bin Harisa presented his claim over her and said, “I am Hamza’s brother and custodian of his will. She is my niece. I have a right over her”.
Hadrat Ja’far Tayyar pressed his claim saying, “She is my cousin and her maternal aunt is my wife.”
The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) gave his decision in favour of Hadrat Ja’far Tayyar (Allah be pleased with him) since a maternal aunt is equal to the mother in relation.
When Amama reached the age of puberty Hadrat Ali (Allah be pleased with him) suggested to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) to marry her. But the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) refused, saying “Hamza was my foster brother too. I cannot marry his daughter.”
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